0. removal of gallery through a take over of its physical space [_0] and web attack
1. attacks: trivial attack such as DoS through SQLInjection. killing of msql base and server
query posed appropriate number of times [666] results in a crash and subsequently white gallery sites with a report "the connection could not be established" [_1]
2. open code and self-replication: part of the action was to send the code and formula for attack to several mailing lists, therefore the status of this artwork has an open character [_2],
access to the project was democratized.
the artwork and the whole project is out of one person's and one institution's control,
it can be repeated in different galleries numerous times ,
[through modifying the query and the goal of attack],
which means that similar attacks on other galleries can be expected [>>> EXECUTE ME]
3. self-reference [self-destruction] of the gallery: the attack was launched from the IP of the gallery
which was the target of the attack. therefore it was the gallery that annihilated itself[_3]
4. infinite white: white represents a multidimensional space, as abstract as possible and at the same time the process of burning and clearing the art
[_4].the projects starts from recurrence but suggests an infinite process
5. zero metaphors: the project is an attempt of radical redefinition of what an art object is and of human/human and human/object relations,
it is not only a conceptual project but also a fact that occurred in physical, internet and social space[_5]
6. reconfiguration of power relation: on a different dimension the project is an attempt of overtaking the whole gallery within a set time frame, which also means of abolishing the existing control systems and power [_6]
8. jpgs
9. general contex: algorithm/abstraction/automata/autopoesis/babalon/capitalism/
endophisics/emptyness/escapism/fixed point/gnosticism/GNU/Goedel/hacking/
holography/human machine/language/life codding/machine/marxism/monadology/
neuron/ockham rasor/paranoia/pornography/pure data/quantum/rationalism/reality/
_0. as a result of diplomatic procedures
_1. amplifier: the attack was accompanied by 'lending' data belonging to the gallery.
'we can only speak of thing about which we can speak'
_2. the action is an attempt of building self-replicating distributed system,
whose goal is a factual removal of gallery
_3. self-reference see papers Lisek 200 2003 2005
see also other subversive activities especially those of Hans Haacke,
Lawrence Weiner and Critical Art Ensemble
_4. white>see tradition of avant garde movement in XX and XXI century
_5. as a result of actions conducted by the Laboratory, a hidden system of relations
clerk/head of the gallery has been revealed.
_6. general question: how does control function after decentralization?
the headmasters of BWA gallery, scared of losing their positions declared that they are
making a denunciation to the public prosecutor's office concerning breaking the law during Laboratory
Version 1.1, 6 june 2006
Robert B. Lisek / different localizations in Europe
Version 2.1, june 2009
Robert B. Lisek / BWA Awangarda Wroclaw - Laboratorium / Crash 12-14.06.2009
Version 3.1, nov 2014
Robert B. Lisek / White_cube
