
The FACE is a portable knowledge management environment that can be used as a distributed network for creating, modeling and exchanging artistic concepts. The main strategy in our approach is regarding social systems and their dynamics with respect to their abstract properties: structure, complexity, energy. Second assumption is that there is a clear link between artists local intervention and networks global behaviour. This mean that actions and interactions of participants in our project lead to the personalization of values and imply a change in social order, regardless of whetherthe authors are aware of this or not. Online activity merge with activity in the physical world, in the form of interventions, exhibition and workshops.
Politics of hack
| hacker culture | hactivisim
and tactical media | concept of art epidemia | viruses and
spreading infections | crashing & [self] destruction as artwork | neurotic,
irritating, repulsory, neurosis software | free, dysfunctional, radical
agendas |
July 18, 2007
FACE functions on the exchange of ideas created by innovative and radical artists, and curators working in the avantgarde of contemporary art and cutting-edge technology. We choose artists focusing on performative, participatory acts of commodity exchange via an online hub, working through a series of social, performative and (free) software-based projects towards the notion of an artistic operating system in its broadest sense, and experimenting with interrogating and overcoming economic, political, and social boundaries in real space.